About Us
In 1974, Hilde and Claus Friese decided to make Stone Mountain home for their business as well as residence. After years of dedicated hard work, we now call the most prominent structure in the Village of Stone Mountain, home. The original lower part was built in 1920 as a filling station at a time when granite blocks from the Stone Mountain quarry were still widely used. Service seems to be engraved into this corner though it has changed from servicing cars to servicing people. As a restaurant with largely German cuisine, the Village Corner has become a destination point. Cakes from out bakery have been a staple of many celebrations from birthdays and weddings to office parties and club groups.
In 1996, just before the Olympics, we changed the face of the intersection to what it is today. Witour son Carl joining the business, we enlarged the restaurant to accommodate a banquet room and added a very European Tavern, complete draft, and since 2013, our own bakery. We cater everything from Weddings to Oktober-fests, off premise or right here at the Corner. Please think of us also for your holiday and gift shipping. We send delicious German breads, stollens, cookies, Georgia pecan pies and our own Southern pecan house coffee.
We are the shortest distance to a bit of Europe by auto!
Let's Chat
6655 James B Rivers Memorial Drive Stone Mountain, Ga 30083
(770) 498-0329
Social Media
Sunday & Tuesday - Thursday: 11 am to 8 pm
Friday & Saturday: 11am to 10 pm
Monday: CLOSED